3 Reasons You Should Use Baby Sign Language for Potty Training
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Ahhhh potty training. It’s the love-hate relationship for parents everywhere. You’re ready to be done with diapers, yet the process of the actual potty TRAINING sounds like nails on a chalk board. And your toddler is super into underwear and the potty, but actually using it (not as a toy) is an uphill battle at times. I recommend using baby sign language for potty training to ease the tense feelings, emotions, and woes for not only your toddler, but also for you!
If you don’t already, please follow me on Instagram for more about how sign language can be a game charger for your baby / toddler’s early communication skills.
Three reasons to use sign language for potty training
Big changes can mean big feelings. Everything they have known about bodily fluids happens in a diaper... until one day it's gone and you're teaching them something new, strange, and maybe a bit scary.
Big changes can mean new language. You’re now having conversations with your toddler that you haven’t necessarily had before. And even if you’ve talked about being wet or dirty, the were referencing a diaper - which is no longer there. So not only does this process require a new set of skills (like pulling pants up and down), but also new language to go along with it.
Big changes can mean lots to process. LOTS of new things are being thrown at your toddler, 180 miles a minute, and it’s a lot for them to process! New routines, new sensations, new materials (goodbye wipes, and hello toilet paper) … you name it!
Want to use sign language with your little one?
Potty Training & Sign Language is a pre-recorded mini-course on how to effectively implement sign language during potty training. You will learn how to utilize your child’s development using ASL signs with proven strategies, for a better experience for everyone - regardless of your potty training method or approach! Learn more about it here!
Get Started Now with 10 functional ASL signs to start using with your baby or toddler right away. Learn 3 tips to ensure you are using signs correctly and with realistic expectations. Whether you have already started signing, or just warming up to the idea, this free guide will take you one step closer to your goal!
Toddler Consultation: Strategy & Support Communication with a toddler can be HARD. They have so much they want to communicate, yet their speech and language skills aren't quite there yet. Everyone is getting more and more frustrated, and life would be so much easier if communication could be unlocked. In a highly-individualized strategy session, we will work together to pinpoint what your toddler needs to communicate and create personalized resources so you can have more confidence, calm, and effective communication with your toddler. Learn more here!
Check out my online resources for parents! Browse my current offerings.
When to use sign language while potty training
Nonverbal communication connects to the emotional side of their brain, allowing them to process the new steps and skills they are learning. As you are potty training your toddler, use sign language to communicate about the whole process!
Using ASL signs for the bodily functions is important, but isn’t the only thing to support with sign language! Use signs for sensations, actions, as well as their feelings. This goes both ways too; maybe you got messy in the process as well.
My favorite potty training book
If you’re on the hunt for a potty training resource, I highly recommend Oh Crap Potty Training! It came recommended to me by many mom friends, and my husband and I both really loved it. The author is direct, it’s easy to read, and even has some good humor in it (because who wants to read about potty training?!).
Please let me know how it goes for you! Best of luck - you got this!