3 ASL Signs for Halloween To Use With Your Baby or Toddler
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Halloween marks the beginning of decorations on homes for the next few months, and visiting favorite decorations is something many young children look forward to doing (which is daily in this household). Embrace your child’s interests in the pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts, witches, spiders, and more by using sign language and boost their language skills while looking at decorations and doing fun activities. Learn 3 ASL signs to use with your baby or toddler this Halloween season!
If you don’t already, please follow me on Instagram for more about how sign language can be a game charger for your baby / toddler’s early communication skills.
Repetition is key
Using sign language when you see Halloween decorations is all gravy but… you also need to REPEAT the sign as often as you can, to make the most out of that setting/context.
Instead of spotting Halloween decorations and signing GHOST once:
👻"That GHOST is white.”
Try signing GHOST as many times as you can while strolling & engaging with your child:
👻"That GHOST is white.”
👻"Wow, what a big GHOST.”
👻"I see another GHOST over there!”
👻"Bye bye GHOST, see you tomorrow!”
⭐️This example gave your child FOUR examples to the sign+word, rather than just one.
⭐️If you were to spot about 3 homes with ghosts part of their Halloween decorations, that can mean TWELVE opportunities in one afternoon stroll, or EIGHTY FOUR in one week (given you go on walks daily, but who wouldn’t want to in gorgeous fall weather?!).
Want to use sign language with your little one?
Sign Through the Seasons: Fall is an all-inclusive activity workshop that equips you to implement meaningful activities, targeted signed vocabulary, and intentional learning for your baby, toddler, or preschooler during the fall months! Learn more about this seasonal e-course here.
Get Started Now with 10 functional ASL signs to start using with your baby or toddler right away. Learn 3 tips to ensure you are using signs correctly and with realistic expectations. Whether you have already started signing, or just warming up to the idea, this free guide will take you one step closer to your goal!
Check out my online resources for parents! Browse my current offerings.
3 Baby ASL signs for Halloween
HALLOWEEN: can be used while decorating your home, doing activities, reading books, looking at decorations, passing the seasonal section of a store, and while trick or treating on Halloween night. (There are a few variations of this sign.)
PUMPKIN: use this sign as you are decorating, at the pumpkin patch, decorating or carving pumpkins, and spot them while on a family walk.
GHOST: pair this sign+word with the sound BOO, and when spotting them in decorations and books.
Halloween board book recommendations for babies & toddlers
Reading books about Halloween will help your child prepare for the holiday, get excited, and know what to expect when trick or treating. Incorporate the signs you know as you read together.
Spooky Pookie by Sandra Boynton, a favorite author in our home, is a great board book for the babies and young toddlers. Pookie tries on costumes, preparing to go trick or treating!
10 Trick-or-Treaters (also available as a board book) is a counting book, with all the Halloween favorites, that older toddlers and preschoolers are sure to enjoy.
Halloween baby & toddler ideas
I have compiled a few ideas that will be well enjoyed on a beautiful October day. They're not scary, just messy!
Halloween is a great excuse to let your child explore some messier sensory activities. While carving a pumpkin, let them feel the "guts" and save the slimy seeds for a sensory tub! Let them dry out, or keep them slimy. Jello is another great sensory filler, as well as cooked spaghetti noodles. You can dye your noodles after cooking them with a little bit of vinegar and food coloring. Babies will love exploring those slimy, gooey textures. And for the toddlers and preschoolers, fill your tub with trinkets from the Target Bullseye Playground or Dollar Tree.
Every age loves to create their own artwork! Halloween handprints are cute keepsakes for babies (and all ages) to make and put on display. Toddlers and preschoolers will love to make this fingerpainted monster.